Everyone is now expected to know how to cause change to happen, in themselves or in a team. YET so few understand the Change Equation, so we don’t know the science of how to get change to start or stick. Rule #1 is…
Organizations are scratching their heads wondering how to further support or even leverage this growing level of technical proficiency.
As any contact centre “farmer” knows, if it takes 12 months for an employee to get good at their job, but they leave (or you re-organize them) within a year…there is no harvest to reap.
Q – Our company has aggressive plans for growth and in the next six months, we have to hire about 250 agents and our Executive want to know how we will make them really good agents, really fast. Do you have any insight how we can implement this well?
Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, pointed us to a truth that 100+ years later, is simply called the 80 / 20 Rule. Understanding it and consistently applying it will change everything for you & your organization.
Think about how you, your team or your department will compete and why staying the same is NOT an option…
Many organizations are quickly becoming obsolete – not because they don’t know how to innovate, BUT because they don’t use time as a competitive advantage TO innovate.
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